Alexa Rank Checker

A website's Alexa rank represents its popularity relative to millions of other websites. With this free tool, you can instantly find the Alexa rank of any site by entering its domain name.


Find the Alexa Rank of Your Website

The Alexa Rank is calculated and provided by as a numeric popularity ranking for websites, with a ranking of 1 being the most popular. A site's Alexa rank is based on estimates of traffic and visitor engagement over a period spanning the last 3 months, and serves as a useful metric for judging a website's overall popularity in relation to all other currently live websites. Our free Alexa Rank Checker is a fast way to find out the Alexa rank of your own website or any other site. Simply enter the URL (domain name) you wish to check, whether it's your own site or other sites in your business's niche. We recommend checking your Alexa Rank regularly so you can learn whether your site is increasing or decreasing in popularity over a period of time.

What Does My Alexa Rank Mean?

Your site's Alexa Rank is a simple number representing the popularity of your website when compared to all other live websites. It does not measure your site's rank within your own industry, although you can make these comparisons yourself by checking the ranks of other sites. Most small businesses will find that their websites' Alexa Ranks are in very high numbers, meaning low popularity in comparison to other sites, but this is not a cause for concern. Consider that your Alexa Rank compares your website to the entire internet, which is home to over 1.7 billion websites! That's why Alexa Rank is best used as a benchmarking tool to help identify your site's rate of growth — as your business grows and you earn more traffic, your rank will increase.

If you want to see the top-ranked sites, maintains a live list of website rankings you can view globally or filter by country or category. Currently all the top global spots are taken by huge companies like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Netflix, and several staple Chinese websites. All users can see the first 50 results with the complete list available to premium accounts.

What is the Difference between Alexa Rank and Google PageRank?

People often confuse Alexa Rank and Google PageRank, but the two ranking systems focus on different aspects of websites in general. While Alexa ranks websites based on traffic and engagement, Google PageRank measures the authority of a website — in short, how useful the website is considered to be. Google determines a website's authority based on its SEO keywords, content quality, backlinks, and other variables for the purpose of ranking websites in search results. In contrast, measures popularity via traffic and engagement only, not by any SEO method.

How does Gather Data?

In the early days of, data gathering relied on the installation of the Alexa Toolbar which would collect browsing and engagement information during normal internet browser usage. This method was identified as having several flaws — namely, that it was only able to collect data on sites that were popular among the type of internet user who was willing to use the toolbar. This group consisted mostly of tech-savvy users and others specifically interested in popularity rankings for websites. identified this issue and soon developed improved data collection methods to ensure a more accurate ranking system that accounted for all internet users, not the specific group that chose to use the toolbar. Today, uses a combination of methods including information gathering from over 25,000 browser plug-in extensions, third-party data providers, and giving website owners the option to embed JavaScript on their websites to provide Alexa with more data access.

How to Raise Your Alexa Rank

Since Alexa Rank is based on site traffic, increasing your rank involves drawing more traffic to your website through SEO, advertising, or other strategies. The time spent on your website matters too, so ensure you're offering a high-quality experience to your visitors. Useful, interesting content makes a big difference, as does mobile optimization and other site improvements for your audience.

You can also learn a lot from looking at websites that rank higher than yours. While the difference may be caused by factors out of your control, such as the competitor's website simply being older and therefore having had more time to build an audience, their site may also have advantages in design, content, or user experience. By learning from what your competitor does better, you can improve your own website. even has the Audience Overlap Tool to help you discover your competitors as well as other websites that share your keywords and/or audience, like discussion forums relating to your industry. also offers an assortment of paid solutions to help you build a stronger overall strategy for your website.