3dcart Shopping Cart Software

Shopping Cart Software

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What is a home page design?
Although you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, consumers will judge a retail store by its storefront. Your home page is the first thing that welcomes visitors to your online store and should have a clean, professional, unique look and feel that showcases your company and products.

Studies have shown, website visitors will decide on whether or not to shop a store within seconds. If your site is cluttered, hard to navigate, or just lacks the professionalism of your competitors, it will be affected in your bottom line. Our designers will work with you, to come up with a design that offers readily accessible information about your company, offers clean navigation and defines who you are.

Having trouble choosing? Call our E-Commerce specialists at 1-800-828-6650 x 1 for a one-on-one consultation and let them assist in selecting the perfect match for your products and business.

  • Professional consultation (up to 30 minutes)
  • Custom design and development
  • Three (3) rounds of revisions to initial design
  • Store Integration
  • Turnaround time of 2-6 weeks
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