Purpose: This template is used when a shopper is allowed to place themselves on a waiting list; to be notifed when the item is restocked.
Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.
For example:
<!--START: notifyBlock-->
<!--START: thumbnail-->
<!--END: thumbnail-->
<!--END: notifyBlock-->
<!--START: errorMsg-->
<!--END: errorMsg-->
Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.
Note: Some of the following variables are dynamically inserted from your cart's Settings ->Design ->Store Language section.
- [template] - Used by the Software to insert and reference the Store's selected Theme folder for design elements.
- [stylesheet] - Used by the Software to insert and reference the Store's selected Theme folder for design elements.
- [store_name] - Used by the Software to insert and reference the Store's name for the title of the pop-up window.
- [notify_header] - Displays the Title of the "Put Me On The Waiting List" heading of the pop-up window. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [notify_message] - Displays the Title of the "The item you are trying to purchase..." message. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [catalogid] - Used by the Software to reference the product's Database ID.
- [thumbnail] - Inserts the thumbnail of the product being requested.
- [name] - Inserts the Name information of the requested product.
- [notify_information] - Displays the Title of the "Customer Information" heading of the form. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [firstname] - Used by the Software to reference the Customer's Name information.
- [phone] - Used by the Software to reference the Customer's Phone information.
- [email] - Used by the Software to reference the Customer's Email information.
- [notify_button] - Displays the Title of the "Submit" button/link. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [errorMsg] - Used by the Software to insert an error messsage if/when applicable.