Change the design of your Group Deal Product
Purpose: This is the template used to display product details of the current Group Deal item.
Notes: This template is identical to the regular listing_x.html template page with the addition of three specific code blocks which control the countdown timer, the savings display on the item and the total amount left to purchase for the deal to be met. (see below)
Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.
For example:
<!--START: groupdeal--> <!--START: group_deals--> [enc_gd_id] [enc_gd_expires] [gd_expires] [gd_secs] [catalogid] [gd_id] [strId] <!--END: group_deals--> <!--END: groupdeal--> <!--START: gdItemsSold--> [gd_itemssold] [gd_itemstosell] <!--END: gdItemsSold--> <!--START: savings_percentage--> [savings_percentage] <!--END: savings_percentage-->
Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.
Note: The following variables are exclusive to the Group Deal listing page. All other variables behave as they do normally on the listing_x.html template.
The first variables are present in the form of hidden fields and scripting which record the ID and expiration data of the Group Deal. (It is important to leave these variables intact.)
The next two variables are present in the form of a javascript which controls the countdown timer on your Group Deal page.
These variables insert your Group Deal data as to how many items have sold and how many are left to go forthe deal to be met.
This next variable showcases the item's percentage of savings.
While these next few variables display the item name, price and sale price information as usual.