Template Pages

Change the design of your CRM Page

Purpose: This HTML template defines the layout of the Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) page when customers create a new request from their My Account page.

Notes: This template is almost identical to the contact_us.html template in that it contains the basic CRM form. However, this page is specifically invoked when clicking on the "Add Request" link in the customer's "My Account" page.

Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.

For example:

    <!--START: captchascript-->
    <!--END: captchascript-->
    <!--START: myAccount-->
    <!--END: myAccount-->
    <!--START: captcha-->
    <!--END: captcha-->

Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.

Note: Many of the following variables are dynamically inserted from your cart's Settings ->Design ->Store Language section.

  • [crm_header_title] - Displays the Title of the "Add New Request" heading of the page. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [custid] - Used by the Software to reference (and insert) the Customer's Database record.
  • [crm_department] - Displays the Title of the "Department" field heading on the form. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [deptdropdown] - Inserts the Department drop down menu to select a department for the ticket. (See CRM settings in Settings ->General ->Store Modules)
  • [crm_name] - Displays the Title of the "Name" field heading on the form. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [name] - Inserts and references the customer record's Name information.
  • [crm_phone] - Displays the Title of the "Phone" field heading on the form. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [phone] - Inserts and references the customer record's Phone information.
  • [crm_email] - Displays the Title of the "Email" field heading on the form. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [email] - Inserts and references the customer record's Email information.
  • [crm_subject] - Displays the Title of the "Subject" field heading on the form. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [crm_message] - Displays the Title of the "Message" field heading on the form. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [crm_button-add-ticket] - Displays the Title of the ""Submit Request" button/link on the form. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)

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Screenshot of the crm_request.html Template