Purpose: This template defines the layout of the checkout “thank you” page, the page which is displayed when an order has been placed.
Notes: The template contains a table and displays the “thank you” message specified on the payment method (Using “Confirmation Msg:”). This template could also include all of the blocks from the invoice_print template if you wanted to display a complete invoice to the client.
Code Blocks within Template:
"CATEGORY_HEADER" Used to place HTML content on the top of this page, changeable from settings -> Design -> Titles & Content
"CATEGORY_FOOTER" Used to place HTML content on the bottom of this page, changeable from settings -> Design -> Titles & Content
As well as all the code blocks from invoice_print.html template.
Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.
For example:
<!--------------------- BEGINNING OF CHECKOUT STEP 4 ------>
<!-START: 3stepsCheckout-->
<!-END: 3stepsCheckout-->
<!-START: ordercompleted-->
<!-START: invoicedata-->
<!-END: invoicedata-->
<!-END: ordercompleted-->
<!----- START: Confirmation ---------------------------------->
<!-start customer info block-->
<!-START: invoicelogo-->
<!-END: invoicelogo-->
<!-START: address2-->
<!-END: address2-->
<!- end customer info block-->
<!-start invoice info block-->
<!-START: salesperson-->
<!-END: salesperson-->
<!-end invoice info block-->
<!-start billing block-->
<!-START: ocompany-->
<!-END: ocompany-->
<!-START: oaddress2-->
<!-END: oaddress2-->
<!-START: ophone-->
<!-END: ophone-->
<!-START: oemail-->
<!-END: oemail-->
<!-end billing block-->
<!-start shipping block-->
<!-START: oshipcompany-->
<!-END: oshipcompany-->
<!-START: oshipaddress2-->
<!-END: oshipaddress2-->
<!-end shipping block-->
<!-START: trackingcode-->
<!-END: trackingcode-->
<!-START: oshippeddate-->
<!-END: oshippeddate-->
<!-START: opaymethod-->
<!-END: opaymethod-->
<!-START: coupon-->
<!-END: coupon-->
<!-START: items-->
<!-END: items-->
<!-START: invoice_terms-->
<!-END: invoice_terms-->
<!-START: TAX-->
<!-END: TAX-->
<!-START: TAX2-->
<!-END: TAX2-->
<!-START: TAX3-->
<!-END: TAX3-->
<!----- END: Confirmation ------------------------------------>
<!--------------------- END OF CHECKOUT STEP 4 ------>
Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.
Note: Several of these variables are used in multiple places on the page, with their dynamic content controlled by the code block used in each instance.
- [checkout1_step] - If multi-page checkout is enabled on the store, this variable displays the Title of the "Step 1" Checkout Step Process at the top of the page. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [checkout2_step] - If multi-page checkout is enabled on the store, this variable displays the Title of the "Step 2" Checkout Step Process at the top of the page. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [checkout3_step] - If multi-page checkout is enabled on the store, this variable displays the Title of the "Step 3" Checkout Step Process at the top of the page. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [checkout4_step] - If multi-page checkout is enabled on the store, this variable displays the Title of the "Thank You" Checkout Step Process at the top of the page. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [checkout4_invoicemessage] - Displays the Title of "Your Invoice" header on the page. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [thankyoumessage] - Displays the Title of the "Thanks for your order!" message on the page which is taken from the Confirmation Msg: configured on the order's payment method.
- [invoicenum_prefix] - Inserts the order invoice's prefix.
- [invoicenum] - Inserts the order invoice's sequential order number.
- [invoicelogo] - Inserts the store's Invoice logo (See Settings ->General ->Merchant Information)
- [company] - Inserts the store's Company Name information. (See Settings ->General ->Merchant Information)
- [address1] - Inserts the store's Company Address information (See Settings ->General ->Merchant Information)
- [address2] - Inserts the store's Company Address 2 information (See Settings ->General ->Merchant Information)
- [city] - Inserts the store's Company City information (See Settings ->General ->Merchant Information)
- [state] - Inserts the store's Company State information. (See Settings ->General ->Merchant Information)
- [zip] - Inserts the store's Company Zip information. (See Settings ->General ->Merchant Information)
- [invoice_dateordered] - Displays the Title of the "Date Ordered" heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [odate_month] - Inserts the Month of the order's placement.
- [odate_day] - Inserts the Day of the order's placement.
- [odate_year] - Inserts the Year of the order's placement.
- [invoice_ordernum] - Displays the Title of the "Order Number:" heading. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [invoice_billingaddress] - Displays the Title of the "Billing Address" header. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [ofirstname] - Inserts the shopper's billing First Name.
- [olastname] - Inserts the shopper's billing Last Name.
- [ocompany] - Inserts the shopper's billing Company name.
- [oaddress] - Inserts the shopper's billing Address information.
- [oaddress2] - Inserts the shopper's billing Address 2 (Suite/Apt#) information.
- [ocity] - Inserts the shopper's billing City information.
- [ostate] - Inserts the shopper's billing State information.
- [ozip] - Inserts the shopper's billing Zip/Postalcode information.
- [ocountry] - Inserts the shopper's billing Country information.
- [ophone] - Inserts the shopper's billing Phone information.
- [oemail] - Inserts the shopper's billing Email informaiton.
- [invoice_shippingaddress] - Displays the Title of the "Shipping Address" header. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [oshipfirstname] - Inserts the order's shipping First Name.
- [oshiplastname] - Inserts the order's shipping Last Name.
- [oshipcompany] - Inserts the order's shipping Company information.
- [oshipaddress] - Inserts the order's shipping Address information.
- [oshipaddress2] - Inserts the order's shipping Address 2 (Suite/Apt#) information.
- [oshipcity] - Inserts the order's shipping City information.
- [oshipstate] - Inserts the order's shipping State information.
- [oshipzip] - Inserts the order's shipping Zip/Postal Code information.
- [oshipcountry] - Inserts the order's shipping Country information.
- [invoice_shipmethod] - Displays the Title of the "Shipping Method" header. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [oshipmethod] - Inserts the order's selected Shipping Method
- [totalweight] - Inserts the combined shipping weight of the order.
- [invoice_paymenttype] - Displays the Title of the "Payment Type" header. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [opaymethod] - Inserts the order's payment method used.
- [invoice_discounts] - If gift certificate or promotion coupon is used on the order, this variable displays the Title of the "Discounts" header. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [invoice_coupon] - If gift certificate or promotion coupon is used on the order, this variable displays the Title of the "Coupon:" section. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [coupon] - If gift certificate or promotion coupon is used on the order, this variable inserts the gift certificate/coupon code entered.
- [coupondiscount] - If gift certificate or promotion coupon is used on the order, this variable inserts the applicable discount.
- [shoppingcart_itemid] - Displays the Title of the "Item ID" header on the invoice summary. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [shoppingcart_items] - Displays the Title of the "Items" header on the invoice summary. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [shoppingcart_price] - Displays the Title of the "Price" header on the invoice summary. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [shoppingcart_quantity] - Displays the Title of the "QTY" header on the invoice summary. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [shoppingcart_total] - Displays the Title of the "Total" header on the invoice summary. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [id] - Inserts the item SKU/ID information in the invoice summary.
- [itemname] - Inserts the Name of the item in the invoice summary.
- [unitprice] - Inserts the product's unit price.
- [numitems] - Inserts the total number of items ordered.
- [subtotal] - Inserts the sub-total of items ordered.
- [invoice_terms] - Displays the Text entered in your store's Invoice Terms section. (See Settings ->General ->Merchant Information)
- [shoppingcart_subtotal] - Displays the Title of the order's "Subtotal:" line. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [shoppingcart_discount] - Displays the Title of the order's "Discount(s):" line. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [discounts] - Inserts the applied discount amount.
- [shoppingcart_taxes] - Displays the Title of the order's "Taxes:" line. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [tax] - Inserts the order's applicable tax charges
- [shoppingcart_taxes2] - If international/multi tax option is applicable, this variable displays the Title of the order's "Tax 2:" line. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [tax2] - Inserts the order's applicable Tax2 charges
- [shoppingcart_taxes3] - If international/multi tax option is applicable, this variable displays the Title of the order's "Tax 3:" line. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [tax3] - Inserts the order's applicable Tax3 charges
- [shoppingcart_shipping] - Displays the Title of the order's "Subtotal:" line. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [shipping] - Inserts the order's applicable Shipping charges
- [shoppingcart_total] - Displays the Title of the order's "Subtotal:" line. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [ototal] - Inserts the shopping cart's Order Total information.
- [shoppingcart_giftcertificate] - Displays the Title of the order's "Subtotal:" line. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [GIFTCERTS] - Inserts the Gift Certificate amount applied tothe order.
- [shoppingcart_balance] - Displays the Title of the order's "Subtotal:" line. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
- [BALANCE] - Displays the total Balance left on the order.