Template Pages

Change the design of your Address Book

Purpose: Displays a list of addresses your customers have in their address book.

Notes: The file contains a single code block which is repeated as many times as there are addresses. If there are more than 3 addresses another row will be created.

Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.

For example:

      <!--START: myAccount-->
      <!--END: myAccount-->
      <!--START: myGiftRegistry-->
      <!--END: myGiftRegistry-->
      <!--START: editShipment-->
      <!--END: editShipment-->
      <!--START: address-->
        <!--START: shipping_address2-->
        <!--END: shipping_address2-->
        <!--START: addressType-->
        <!--END: addressType-->
        <!--START: myGiftRegistry-->
        <!--END: myGiftRegistry-->
        <!--START: editShipment-->
        <!--END: editShipment-->
      <!--END: address-->

Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.

  • [account_addressbook] Page section heading (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [address_alias] - "Alias" input field.
  • [shipping_firstname] - Displays first name.
  • [shipping_lastname] - Displays last name.
  • [shipping_address] - Displays street address.
  • [shipping_address2] - Displays apartment/suite. (optional)
  • [shipping_city] - Displays city.
  • [shipping_state] - Displays state.
  • [shipping_zip] - Displays zip code.
  • [shipping_country] - Displays country.
  • [shipping_phone] - Displays phone number.
  • [addressTypeText] - Displays their Address Type Selection chosen. (If the "Allow Address Type Selection" function is enabled in Settings ->Shipping ->Shipping Settings)
  • [account_Change-Address] - "Modify" button text. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [account_Remove-Address] - "Remove" button text. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)

Note: These following Variables are dependent on specific actions taken by your shoppers. In other words, while they are found within the template, they will only come up and display on the live rendered page if the shopper performs a specific action in order to get to the page. For example, [account_giftRegistry] will only display on the page if the shopper accesses the page whilst creating their individual Gift Registry.

  • [account_giftRegistry] - This button will display if the shopper accesses the address book from their Gift Registry set up pages. (The label for the button is in Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [shipmentid] - When using multiple ship to addresses, the order will create an individual ID for each shipment. This variable will dynamically insert that ID into the order.
  • [checkout2_Header-shippinginfo] - When using multiple ship to addresses, the order will be redirected to the Address Book page. This button will redirect the shoppper back to their checkout page after selecting an address. (The label for the button is in Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [account_Choose-Address] - This button displays when using the multiple ship to feature and allows the shopper to "Choose this Address." (The label for the button is in Settings ->Design ->Store Language)

These next few Variables will be present within form action elements like submit buttons. Typically you'll want to keep the scripting for these variables intact.

  • [id] - This is the specific ID given to the profile's address
  • [reqPage] - When using the multiple ship to feature, this variable will dynamically insert the shopper's last visited page before returning them to where they came from.

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Screenshot of the addresses.html Template