Template Pages

Change the design of your Address Book

Purpose: Allows a customer to add/edit additional addresses to their address book. To access this page, log into your store front's "My Account" page, scroll down to "My Address Book," and click the "Add New Address" button. Then, on the subsequent page, click "Add New Address" next to main address listing.

Notes: This feature was added with the "multiple ship to" option so that a customer could enter additional shipping addresses, and easily select which products are to be shipped where.

The file contains a form with fields which contain address information (Alias, name, city, state, etc.). When in EDIT mode, the existing information is inserted into the fields. When in ADD mode, the fields are blanked out so that a new address can be entered. No other tags other than the ones defined in the fields will be replaced on this page.

In addition to the code blocks below, each form field has a designated code block that toggles a "required" graphic on and off. "[FIELDNAME]" denotes each actual fieldname that is required. The graphic placed within this code block can be customized, but we suggest that you keep it around 12x12 pixels; simple, and unobtrusive.

Note: It is important to preserve the commented tags to ensure the software performs correctly.

For example:

  <!--START: myAccount-->
  <!--END: myAccount-->
    <!--START: req_shipping_alias-->
    <!--END: req_shipping_alias-->
  <!--START: req_shipping_firstname-->
  <!--END: req_shipping_firstname-->
  <!--START: req_shipping_lastname-->
  <!--END: req_shipping_lastname-->
  <!--START: req_shipping_phone-->
  <!--END: req_shipping_phone-->
  <!--START: req_shipping_address-->
  <!--END: req_shipping_address-->
  <!--START: req_shipping_city-->
  <!--END: req_shipping_city-->
  <!--START: req_shipping_country-->
  <!--END: req_shipping_country-->
  <!--START: req_shipping_state-->
  <!--END: req_shipping_state-->
  <!--START: req_shipping_zip-->
  <!--END: req_shipping_zip-->
  <!--START: addressType-->
  <!--END: addressType-->

Note: Code blocks and their respective variables will only work with specific template pages.

  • [account_Address-Alias] - Field label: "Alias" (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language).
  • [address_alias] - "Alias" input field.
  • [CustomerInfo_firstname] - Field label: "First Name" (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language).
  • [shipping_firstname] - "First Name" input field.
  • [CustomerInfo_lastname] - Field label: "Last Name" (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language).
  • [shipping_lastname] - "Last Name" input field.
  • [CustomerInfo_company] - Field label: "Company Name" (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language).
  • [shipping_company] - "Company" input field.
  • [CustomerInfo_phone] - Field label: "Phone" (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language).
  • [shipping_phone] - "Phone" input field.
  • [CustomerInfo_address] - Field label: "Street Address" (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language).
  • [shipping_address] - "Address" input field.
  • [CustomerInfo_address2] - Field label: "Apartment/Suite" (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language).
  • [shipping_address2] - "Address2" input field.
  • [CustomerInfo_city] - Field label: "City" (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language).
  • [shipping_city] - "City" input field.
  • [CustomerInfo_state] - Field label: "State" (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language).
  • [CustomerInfo_zip] - Field label: "Zip Code" (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language).
  • [shipping_zip] - "Zip" input field.
  • [CustomerInfo_country] - Field label: "Country" (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language).
  • [account_Update-Address] - "Add / Update Address" button text. (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)
  • [CustomerInfo_address_type] - Field Label "Address Type" (See Settings ->Design ->Store Language)

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Screenshot of the add_addresses.html Template