3dcart Shopping Cart Software

Shopping Cart Software

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What is a category page design?
Category pages are those pages in an online store that help customers find the product listing pages, and as a result, the products they wish to purchase. Inability to find a product is the most common reason for abandoned shopping carts.

A good category page includes:
  • Proper classification, by listing products in appropriate categories.
  • Category pages must deliver a usable list of products. If a customer knows what they are looking for, they should be able to select the logical category and find it.
  • Top selling items should be placed within the category graphic and listed in the category specials so they are displayed higher in the page results.
Our designers will work with you to create a custom category page that will showcase your products effectively and provide the best layout option for your online store.

Having trouble choosing? Call our E-Commerce specialists at 1-800-828-6650 x 1 for a one-on-one consultation and let them assist in selecting the perfect match for your products and business.

  • Custom design and development
  • Two (2) rounds of revisions to initial design
  • Store Integration
  • Turnaround time of 1-3 weeks
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